The Cachorrisimo story begins with Diego Rondon, a proud dog dad with a passion for all things culinary and his puppy Milo—the spunky Goldendoodle who inspired a movement. Born in Venezuela, Diego moved to the U.S. to find success as an international marketing executive. Soon, he was partnering with Hispanic restaurant owners and Latino chefs who shared fresh culinary ideas—for people and their pets.
Some were creating whole-food recipes for their dogs and feeding them like they were part of the family—because they were. Inspired by their canine culinary creations, Diego explored how he could replicate these recipes into healthy meals for Milo. Soon he thought bigger and set out to bring delicious dishes to Hispanic dog parents across the U.S.—and treat Milo to the best.
But there was more. Diego asked, “What if we nourished our dogs with naturally delicious foods and celebrated what makes our own culture amazing?” The familial connections, the laughter, the vibrant pulse of Hispanic communities like his—he wanted to captured it all. Inspired by Milo (and the incredible puppy he was) the name Cachorrisimo was born. Increíble, right?
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